Jeff Salzenstein – Former ATP Top 100 and World Renowned
Coach at Tennis Evolution

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“USPTA Elite Professional and RacquetFit Certified Instructor John Craig is the “Serve Builder”, and rightfully deserves that nickname. His approach to the serve is MASTERFUL in all aspects…he’s unquestionably one of the best in the world at coaching every intricate detail about it.”

Do any of these common serving problems sound like you?

  • My Serve weak…I want more power
  • I can’t get comfortable with the continental grip
  • I double fault too much…I want to reduce my double faults
  • I can’t create the spins I want
  • My serve lacks accuracy…I can’t hit my targets
  • I can’t control my ball toss
  • I can’t get rid of that dreadful “waiter’s tray”
  • I don’t win easy points on my serve
  • No matter how hard I try, I can’t reach up on contact
  • My serve doesn’t feel right…it lacks balance, rhythm & coordination
  • I overthink when I am about to serve
  • My serve is causing me pain

If any of these sound like you, then you are lacking the information and clarity you need! I have always said the “Serve is a Choreographed Movement”. If you don’t know your serve choreography, then you are guessing! It’s that simple. And guessing leads to over-thinking and disastrous results, and it only gets worse when you are under pressure.

Practice makes permanent, so if you are practicing the wrong concepts, or you don’t know your “Serve Choreography”, then you are simply guessing and hoping to figure it out on your own.
How much time and energy are you wasting?

Transform Your Serve unlike any other Serve Program!

Build a Professional Foundation of Skills.

Learn and master the key elements to building a PROFESSIONAL QUALITY serve, step-by-step. I cover the entire serve in a way you’ve never seen before, from the set-up, the grip, the routine, balance, rhythm, and how to develop power and control. My serve Development Planner will guide you through the entire process.

Develop Advance Serving Skills

You will learn to optimize your serve performance including all the spins including slice, flat-slice, topspin and kick. You will also learn how to develop great accuracy and power, while following my unique sequence of serve practice drills.

The Ultimate Program to Develop Your Professional Quality Serve

Create the serve you have always wanted with my step-by-step, proven formula that has worked for 1000’s of players over 30 years!

The unique combination of my renowned courses, lessons, drills and personal video analysis will guide you to having your best serve!

Discover and Develop Your Own Personal Style

No two players serve alike! I will guide you through a series of drills and concepts to discover your ideal style. This is critical to optimizing your serving performance!

My Serve By Design Masterclass Program will train you to:

  • Develop a more powerful serve
  • You will Finally Understand How to Use the Continental Grip
  • Greatly Reduce Your Double Faults
  • You will Develop a Variety of Spins to Keep Your Opponents Off-Balance
  • Greatly Improve the Accuracy of Your Serve
  • Learn to Place Your Ball Toss Perfectly and finally get rid of the yips!
  • You will Develop a Professional Motion and Contact Point
  • You will Begin Win Easy Points and Hold Your Serve More Often!
  • Give You the Clarity and Confidence to Serve Well Under Pressure!
  • Play Your Serve with Professional Balance, Rhythm and Control
  • Replace Overthinking with Clarity and Confidence!
  • Greatly Reduce the Chance Of Injuries!

I will be guiding you every step of the way through your Masterclass journey
with 12 video reviews and personalized coaching lessons!

Don’t take my word for it…Listen to what the Pros say:
My Unique Serve Coaching is Endorsed By Pros, Coaches and Players Worldwide…


here is what just a few of my students say…

Will Fletcher with Roger Federer – Wimbledon

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I was fortunate enough to speak to Roger Federer today after his practice. I asked him about the keys to his serve. It was amazing. I think Roger must have watched video 11 from your serve foundation course. Thank you so much!

Alexandra Franco– Portugal

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You have found the perfect blueprint to achieve an optimal serve.  you mentioned that you would be treating the serve like never before, I thought, ok, let me see what is this all about… and you did it! All new, original, simple cues to practice put in a coherent way and now I believe I am on my way to a truly great serve, and I am so EXCITED! 🙂 

Jonathan Cremlin

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I’ve been playing tennis since I was 5, and I want to say that you are the best coach I’ve found so far.  For me, it’s easy to determine who knows what they’re talking about and who doesn’t – Your serve course has some things that I’ve never heard before (or never heard explained in the right way) and I’m a bit blown away. 

John V. – Los Angeles

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I just completed taking the serve foundation program, and to be truthful I wasn’t expecting much I haven’t heard already. Boy was I ever wrong!! Let me tell you I have taken several online courses for serves and this one is by FAR the BEST hands down. Definitely give this secret gem of a course a try. John is  a very qualified and solid coach.

John Carrizosa, USPTA Pro

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“I just watched the first 5 segments, and they are gold !!! I’ve been teaching for 30 years and I love to learn. Just watching the your course I’m like Wow!!! It’s clear, concise, and so easy to apply for students! your phrases and wording really bring out the points. I love seeing my students get that “lightbulb moment”.  Your course has definitely helped me increase those moments with my students!

Jim Wechsler – Seattle, WA

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John, your serve course is superb…maybe better than that. Having now used your course, I can tell you my serve problems are substantially cured…the technique is going beautifully. I think you you got everything right. You have broken the serve down in a way that I have never seen, As a former university professor and as an avid learner about most everything, I think The Serve Foundation Program is in a class by itself.

My “Serve by Design” Masterclass Program is much more than a course…it is a complete, personalized training program designed to guide you to achieve a great serve, elevate your game and win more matches!

Imagine When You Can:

  • Serve With More Power than ever before!
  • Play a Complete Match With No Double Faults!
  • Use a Variety of Spins to Keep Your Opponents Guessing!
  • Place Your Serve with Pinpoint Accuracy!
  • Learn to Place Your Ball Toss Perfectly every time!
  • Present a Professional Motion that will be the Envy of your Opponents!
  • Win Easy Points and Hold Your Serve More Often!
  • Play with the Clarity and Confidence to Serve Well Under Pressure!
  • Play Your Serve with Professional Balance, Rhythm and Control!
  • Greatly Reduce the Chance Of Injuries!

Take action

start building your professional quality serve today!

You get all this AND MORE when you invest in the SERVE BY DESIGN MASTERCLASS PROGRAM:

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to My All-New Serve Foundation Course
    (*Value $1,500)
  • VIDEO ANALYSIS! 12 Comprehensive, Personal Video Reviews to guide you on your journey to a professional quality serve! (Value $497)
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to My All-New Advanced Techniques & Tactics Course (*Value $900)
  • Plus 6 Additional Serve Lessons to round-out your knowledge & skills (*Value $600)
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to my Return of Serve Techniques and Tactics
    Course (*value $250)
  • My exclusive Skill Development Planner – Your guide to improving your fundamentals in 30 days!

* Values are based on working with me privately (in person) to cover and learn the skills in each course.

* Total Value: $3,750

Develop a Professional Quality Serve with my all new, “Serve By Design” Masterclass Coaching Program including 12 personalized video reviews and coaching sessions, PLUS my Return of Serve Techniques & Tactics Course, bonus lessons and more for $597!

Now Just $297!

Limited Enrollment!
Due to the personalized coaching time required for each student, I am limiting enrollment to the first 50 registrations.

I guarantee your complete satisfaction or your money back! I
look forward to working personally with you to achieve your serve transformation and more!

John Craig, aka, “The Serve Builder”